
Friends of Westgate Parks is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) that was first registered with the Charity Commission on 14th May 2018 (Registered Charity no. 1178364). An overview and basic details can be found on : the Commission’s website.

The objects of the Friends of Westgate Parks CIO can be summarised under four main headings:

  1. to preserve, protect and improve the Westgate Parks in Canterbury (which comprises Westgate Gardens, Toddler’s Cove, Tannery Field, and Bingley Island) as a place of historic and ecological interest and beauty;
  2. to promote conservation of the natural plant and animal life of the parks;
  3. to advance the education of the public including school children in the subjects of natural history, geography, and cultural and local history;
  4. by research into the biodiversity, geomorphology and archaeology of the parks.

Friends of Westgate Parks operate in an area which is owned and managed by Canterbury City Council, on behalf of the people of Canterbury. All work and activities undertaken by the FoWP are carried out in collaboration with the Council, and are subject to a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Education programs

Available related education programs include river and bat walks, archaeological digs, and forest school activities for children and adults.

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Canterbury Festival

This year's Canterbury Festival runs from 26th September to 4th November 2023. There's walks, talks, art, performance, music & much more.

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Help the Westgate Friends

We urgently need new volunteers to help maintain the physic garden, assist with collecting litter and also need new trustees – and funds to keep up our activities.

Email us at Westgate Parks friends